Wednesday 9 January 2008

The Return of Political Hope?

Isn't it all just great? It's almost (almost) like Dubya is already a faint memory of some horrible dream. While I am sure that the United States will spend years regretting and/or repairing the many travesties that the Bush administration perpetrated, there is something so...dare I say it. ..hopeful about the recent happenings in Iowa and New Hampshire.

Who knows? Maybe a President Hilary will turn out to be a more morally corrupt version of Bill that makes us yearn for the days of cigars and dress stains in the Oval Office. Maybe a President Obama will be as inexperienced and naive as some of his opponents would want you to believe. But it's just so refreshing to see that they are at least well-spoken, well-educated, intelligent people that actually have a plan for the country. Not some boob from Texas that couldn't string two sentences together on his best of days and who has bamboozled a nation into thinking that stupid is cool.

But I feel hopeful - probably for the first time in a decade or so. Hopeful that the nation's reins will finally be in the hands of someone with some principles, hopeful that the United States can begin to repair its imagine in the eyes of the rest of the world, hopeful that the US populace that believes in human rights, due process for everyone and the freedom to live your life as you see fit will triumph once again.

Hope. Ain't it great?

Sunday 30 December 2007

First Post!

My dearest friend, Ibodan, inspired me to start my own blog after he began his. OK - this makes me a blatant copy-cat. Meow.
But with most of my friends and family living half-way around the world it's a difficult task to stay in touch . So perhaps this will keep my loved ones informed in a way that doesn't cost a fortune or involves six hour time differences. And just maybe, it will be amusing or interesting to those passing by.